awfully 19 ; CSS-ed,MBIO-ing bonnet,athena,infra,石头,simurgh,ORION let's make merry with chocolates,music&dance
&do away with
title: lappie is BAD I need lappie to spoil within the next week. Yah. If not, I think he will break down during term, and during an important part of it. Any reccomendation for making it break down, and not seem like it's my fault? I think I'm starting to hate Vista(business). Shipei seems to have no problems with her Vista(premium). I can't load iTunes, MSN is being funny, everything feels wierd and Jun complains that Vista resembles Mac. Funny. Lappie is being bad again. And it's only the third day since I got him.
title: =.= |
title: dear~! |
title: thx I hate some people for some reasons. Most common being that they seemed to know what inner fears I have, like Desmie and Xueming.
Desmie is right. I have virtually no idea what I'm doing in Molecular Biotechnology. However, after looking the modules I have, I'm quite happy with it actually. Though I think I'm pretty much going to be obsessed with molecules of air around me. Don't worry, Desmie! I won't die. I promise ok? And please do NOT shred me no matter what! I will send something to you after I die, I really will. |
title: Taggie~, come back!!! |
title: Love Story 爱的故事有很多
你一定听过 她们说 最美的爱情像湖泊 美的忍不住停留 而任性的风 吹过了 却飘下一片片叶落 放开手往北方走 留下伤心的树独自忍受 你离开我连一句话都不说 只默默看着今晚天空星光闪烁 看今夜的流星 划过了天际 笑我的心 我无法再冷静 请你要倾听 你是我的唯一 我不愿去相信 我们的之间隔着海洋的距离 我的爱 已融化在空气里 |
title: a teardrop's tale Tear.
dripped and slid down velvet cheeks. Sad. heart tensed and felt tired. Me. water that contained overwhelming feelings. You. the one feeling something inside. Them. pass by now and then. One. stopped and never bothered to again. |