awfully 19 ; CSS-ed,MBIO-ing bonnet,athena,infra,石头,simurgh,ORION let's make merry with chocolates,music&dance
&do away with
title: 婚礼 那教堂钟声太微弱 却敲痛心中的伤口台上庄严典礼 纪念我输得彻底
他揭开你面纱时候 一枚戒指将你紧扣掌声将我吞没 面带笑容和你握手 祝福你们的生活 怎却 那泪莫名地流 你洁白的婚礼 你多么的美丽 台下我的独角戏 走进院子里 昨天的回忆 如今随着花儿慢慢凋零 你庄严的婚礼 我演出的悲剧 最后唯一的结局 教堂的钟声 梦已破碎 祝福声中听叶儿随风飞 |
title: photos first Alrights, these are like what I got for going to FOC. Not to mention some scratches here and there when I went down to play telematch with the group. I think my tag next year will probably go like "BIG EYES O.O" lah!