awfully 19 ; CSS-ed,MBIO-ing bonnet,athena,infra,石头,simurgh,ORION let's make merry with chocolates,music&dance
&do away with
title: Really, the idiots behind Maplestory need to go for re-course. If they can't bloody hell keep people from lagging for no good reasons, then they really fail at efficiency. Come on, whoever play games & lag for 5mins every 2 seconds please? For goodness sake, i bet this is why people who left Maplestory, NEVER want to go back into that junk again. What the hell, what has gotten into me to want to go back in there again, seriously.
title: maybe I wonder, what it's like to live it worthwhile
to live life to the fullest to live it all out Maybe that's why. |